Upcoming Programs
Northern Neck Crops Conference
The Northern Neck Crops Conference is the premier event for grain farmers in the region featuring important production updates from Extension specialists and industry representatives. The full-day program is typically held the second week of January.
1A Certification Class
Virginia Cooperative Extension offers a four-day commercial certification prep class for category 1A (Agricultural Plant Pest Control) and Registered Technician (60). The class is typically held in February in Tappahannock. Classes are taught by local Extension Agents and the tests are administered to those with authorization letters on-site by VDACS on the final day.
Private Pesticide Certification Review & Exam
All farmers buying or using restricted-use pesticides must carry certification by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (unless under the direct supervision of a certified applicator). In order to become a certified private applicator, individuals need to pass a competency exam based on the Virginia core manual, “Applying Pesticides Correctly”.
A review for the private pesticide exam is held in February. The review lasts approximately one hour and is followed by the opportunity to take the exam.
The private pesticide certification exam can be administered by Virginia Cooperative Extension in Westmoreland County at any time during the year. Please call our office at 804-493-8924 to schedule a testing date and time. We request at least one day notice to ensure a proctor is available.

Farmers’ Market Scale Certifications
Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) host a Farmers’ Market Scale Certification in March at the Extension Office in Westmoreland County. Farmers and watermen may bring scales used at farmers’ markets or roadside stands to be certified for use by VDACS. Certification is free.
Turf and Ornamental Short Course and Recertification
Virginia Cooperative Extension in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula offer a Turf and Ornamental Short Course and Recertification in the spring of even-numbered years for professionals working in the turf and ornamental industry. Recertification credits are available in these commercial categories: 3A, 3B, 10, and 60.
4-H Pizza Camp
The Westmoreland County office of Virginia Cooperative Extension offers a day-camp style educational program called “4-H Pizza Camp” in the summer. The camp focuses on agriculture, food safety and healthy living with goals that participants will recognize where their food comes from and for participants to be more conscious of healthy living choices. Activities supporting that goal include farm visits, tomato canning and learning about the benefits of good nutrition and physical activity. Participants will use the knowledge and skills from the class to make a pizza on the final day in celebration of the completion of camp!

Westmoreland Corn & Soybean Field Day
The Westmoreland Corn & Soybean Field Day showcases the Extension corn and soybean variety trials. The field day is held in the later part of August. Tours are followed by a private pesticide recertification class.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection
The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day is held in the fall and spring at the A.T. Johnson Building. The collection is coordinated by the Northern Neck Soil and Water Conservation District (NNSWCD) and Virginia Cooperative Extension, with funding provided by our local government. For the first 100 lbs of waste brought, there is no charge to county residents; over 100 lbs, a charge of $1.05/lb applies. Acceptable items include: spent fluorescent bulbs, unwanted household pesticides, antifreeze, NiCad, NiMH and other rechargeable batteries, cleaners, non-latex paints/stains, old/contaminated fuels, household cleaners, and much more. Latex paint is disposable: simply open the lid, allow the paint to dry, and then dispose of the can in the trash.
You can sign up for an email notification of Household Hazardous Waste dates by sending an email to hhwwestmorelandva-g+subscribe@vt.edu

Drinking Water Clinic
For households on private water systems like wells, Virginia Cooperative Extension in Westmoreland County offers affordable water testing and education with our drinking water clinics. Water samples collected by participants are analyzed for 14 parameters, including bacteria, metals, nitrate and hardness for a fee. Financial assistance is available, if needed. All information is kept strictly confidential and is not shared with government agencies. Clinics are offered in the fall of even-numbered years. For more information, visit the Virginia Household Water Quality Program website: https://www.wellwater.bse.vt.edu/
Turf and Ornamental Commercial Pesticide Certification Class
Virginia Cooperative Extension offices in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula offer a Commercial Pesticide Certification Preparation Course to provide training on the basics of pesticide application, as well as in commercial pesticide categories 3A (ornamentals), 3B (turf), and registered technician (60). A commercial pesticide certification is needed by anyone applying pesticides for hire or by employees using pesticides as part of their job duties. This training prepares applicators for pesticide applications to turf and ornamentals and is offered in the fall of odd-numbered years.
Private Pesticide Recertification Classes
Recertification opportunities are offered throughout the year in conjunction with many of the workshops offered through Extension. In addition, area Extension agents deliver recertification classes in November and December for applicators needing to recertify. A class is held in November in Westmoreland County for private pesticide recertification in categories 90 and 91.

Northern Neck Vegetable Growers Association Annual Meeting
The Northern Neck Vegetable Growers Association (NNVGA) Annual Meeting is held on the first or second Friday in December. The Annual Meeting is the premier event for vegetable growers in the region coordinated by the NNVGA and Virginia Cooperative Extension, featuring important vegetable production updates from Extension specialists and industry representatives. All vegetable growers are invited to attend, regardless of their membership status with NNVGA.

VCE AG Today
VCE AG Today is a live webinar series offered on Thursdays every other week at 9:00 am. Each week includes a thirty-minute presentation from a guest speaker on a timely agricultural topic followed by questions and answers from the audience. Topic announcements and connection information are available at the VCE AG Today Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/VceAgToday/ Recordings are available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7_2QUVzrPXDpYsV2HY11CH8KBrluifyO
Fall Ag Bag
4-H Fall Ag Bag is a self-paced, do-at-home camp for youth ages 9-13. Offered in November, we provide a month of 4-H learning adventures designed to bring you a little closer to your Thanksgiving dinner. Youth get to taste test apples, make a cranberry raft, study mushroom spores and see how so many fall foods are produced commercially. Participants pick up a Fall Ag Bag with many of the supplies provided.